Learning Objectives of Self-Assessment and Development Need Analysis Program (SANA)for Professionals:

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  • Learn about their Values, Strengths, Skills, Attitude, Etiquettes, Intelligence Mix, Needs, Hobbies and External Environment.
  • Explore their Qualities/ Assets in terms ofValues, Strengths, Skills, Attitude and Etiquettes.
  • Explore their Needs and make informed goals in line with their needs.
  • Learn about different questions that can be asked related to the components of the program during interviews.
  • Explore their Areas of Improvement and the way they need to present their Areas of improvement effectively during the interviews.
  • Explore their hobbies and how to present them productively
  • Create a Personal SWOT Analysis
  • Create a PEST Analysis
  • Explore and understand their intelligence mix and identify their intelligence gap as per the goals that they have set for their life