Benefits of Self-Assessment & Development Need Analysis Program(SANA) for Higher Education Students

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Self-Assessment and Development Need Analysis Program (SANA) is a Self-Paced Online Program. You can complete assignments at your own pace, as long as you complete all course work before the course ends.

Enhanced Confidence levels

Self-Assessment and Development Need Analysis Program (SANA) will help you understand yourself in terms of your Qualities, Areas of Improvement, Goals, Intelligence Mix, Hobbies, Needs, Etiquettes, External environment and Attitude. This will enable you to make informed decisions and pursue your goals with enhanced confidence.

Informed Decision Making

In-depth self-assessment equips you with a clear picture about your needs, future aspirations, resources required and actions that should be taken. In light of all this well researched information, you are able to make informed decisions.

Instant Return on Learning

Self-Assessment and Development Need Analysis Program (SANA) helps you to use your learning from the program immediately. As soon as you finish a section, you know the impact of your learnings on your future aspirations and you can make a course correction immediately.

Easy Information Access

Self-Assessment and Development Need Analysis Program (SANA)enables you to document your learnings and your action plan by making you fill action sheets at the end of every section. You can retrieve this information from the Analytics section of the website.

Comprehensiveness of content

Self-Assessment and Development Need Analysis Program (SANA) offers very comprehensive content. For Example: our values section gives you a choice of 135 values, with explanations, to choose your values from.


Reflective learning in a classroom training may make you uncomfortable as you won’t like to share your values, skills, strengths or areas of improvement with everybody. You do not have to worry about all these things when you are taking the course online.